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SQA is delighted to sponsor the 2015 conference


Assessment Tomorrow

Edinburgh 2015 - 9th e-Assessment Conference

‘Curriculum for Excellence - a Digital Opportunity
29th January 2015 at Grosvenor Hilton Edinburgh

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Conference Objectives

To discuss how to manage the technology,  tools and techniques required by education and training to enhance the learning process

To examine how we can review, plan, provide leadership, control and organisation of education, data and support

To identify which technology and tools can provide this and be fit for purpose and cost effective.

To raise awareness of the importance  innovative approaches to develop teaching strategies, raise standards and enhance learning and teaching,

To bring together strategists, policy makers, practitioners and key decision makers at one event for an exchange of ideas and to review lessons learned and opportunities taken.

To recognise and use good practice


  • Users and practitioners from schools
  • Experts and suppliers
  • Strategists and Planners
  • School focused suppliers

The Scope

  • Secondary schools and Colleges
  • Summative, formal, high stakes educational qualification and class-room Formative assessment
  • External and internal data


  • A series of presentations by leading experts on key topics
  • The invaluable experiences and knowledge of practitioners and users.
  • An informal exhibition and demonstration of products
  • An active Question/ Answer discussion panel approach
  • Active networking
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Sponsored and Supported by

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