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SQA is delighted to sponsor the 2015 conference


Assessment Tomorrow

Edinburgh 2015 - 9th e-Assessment Conference

‘Curriculum for Excellence - a Digital Opportunity
29th January 2015 at Grosvenor Hilton Edinburgh

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The Conference

DESPITE BAD WEATHER AND DISRUPTED TRAVEL THE ninth annual Scottish e-Assessment conference took place on 29th January 2015 at the HIlton Grosvenor, Edinburgh

Working with SQA and looking at the practical issues of selecting, implementing and using e-Assessment and related technologies and techniques, the conference provided a fascinating day.

Scotland has been at the forefront of developing and implementing learning that is assessed using the latest IT and ICT techniques and technologies. The conference speakers, through a range of presentations and case studies, looked at how Curriculum for Excellence is an opportunity to develop and extend opportunities for digitising the assessment process.

The conference speakers also used their experience to highlight what they see as the opportunities, looking at recent innovations and approaches in the use of technology and how these are now being adopted and developed by providers and by organisations such as SQA

Speakers included
BTL, Calibrand, City of Glasgow College, Dumfries and Galloway College, Education Scotland, KLIK2LEARN Strathclyde University
SCHOLAR, Heriot Watt University, South West College Northern Ireland , SQA, TAG Assessment ,The University of Edinburgh

2016 Conference, Edinburgh 28th Jan.

Download the Conference Programme

2015 Pricing and Fees: Registration Fee:  £190 per delegate + VAT         

Grovesnor Hilton, Edinburgh
EH12 5EF
                      learn more

Who  Attended

  • Senior School Staff with responsibility for Curriculum and Assessment
  • Awarding Organisations and Professional Bodies
  • National and regional education bodies
  • Local and Central Government officers
  • Publishers and System Providers
  • FE, HE and Learning Providers

2014/Previous Event learn more

About Assessment Tomorrow
Assessment Tomorrow has been working in the field of e-Assessment and use of Technology in learning since its formation in 2003. It manages, hosts and organises conferences, seminars, webinars, workshops and training events in the field of computer based assessment and learning. It also acts as an advisor and project manager to private and public sector organisations who are selecting, developing or implementing e-Assessment or e-learning solutions

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Sponsored and Supported by

calibrandwith(R) nov 07      

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